Nutritional Counseling
Nutritional counseling offers a safe relationship in which people can express and explore their feelings. This leads to the potential for growth, change, and personal development.
Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) combines science and behavioral changes in an open environment. True change is slow, steady, and individually based. I use my psychological education to gradually instill behavioral modification for a successful outcome. Most people need help embracing change and I use a variety of tools to help people achieve their personal best. These tools include: meditation, yoga, stress reduction, and increasing the REM portion of the sleep cycle. I will also use sensory awareness with children and make the science of food fun. I encourage family participation at all my counseling sessions.
An initial consultation will include a complete medical and diet history along with a detailed food preference questionnaire. This is ideal for adults who are unable to drive or leave their homes. I have utilized Telehealth counseling sessions with postpartum women who have experienced lactation allergies, disabled senior citizens, and businessmen who are traveling out of state. All meal plans and supporting documentation will be sent privately and securely through the patient portal.