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Cute Girl Eating Apple
Baby Eating Food
Drinking Orange Juice

Pediatric Nutrition

Edy specializes in nutrition in children, especially Type 1 diabetes, Eating Disorders, Obesity & toddler feeding issues.


Feeding toddlers and school-aged children have become complicated in our hectic lives. In a world of conflicting information, it can become overwhelming when preparing meals or snacks for your children.  In many cases, children suffer from obesity because they were never educated on proper nutrition and balance. Chronic adult disorders like Type 1 & 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease are increasing in the pediatric population at alarming rates. This has been linked to poor nutrition and inactivity amongst today’s youth.

Having a consultant Dietitian as part of your childcare center would be an asset for your business. Edy McClure currently works with a number of area physicians to improve the nutritional status of the pediatric population. She would be interested in talking to you about offering a new service at your facility.


Services that she can provide include:

  1. Providing nutrition education material for parents and staff

  2. Reviewing nutrition policy and approving its implementation

  3. Planning cyclical snack menu design that incorporates the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans

  4. Writing web-based articles or Q&A forums for nutrition and healthy eating for infants and toddlers

  5. Providing recipes for healthy food choices for parents


Nutrition topics that Edy has spoken or written on include:

Iron-deficiency anemia, Food allergies, Picky eating, Healthy snack ideas, Vegetarian diets, ADHD and food choices, Frequent Urinary Tract Infections, Chronic Constipation, Type 1 Diabetes

Ready to Get Started?

Let's talk about your nutritional needs. To book a consultation or to learn more information, please call me, send an email, or simply click the link below and fill out the form. 

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